Jerkass Day!
Aug. 28, 2002 - 9:00 p.m.

and omg you should have watched dismissed today.. it was jerkass day! two of the worst guys ever were on! and they thought they were the shit and they would definitely be picked.. they both said the other guys had no looks (the first *other* guy was sooo cute!) and no personality (ok he's quiet, you just met him.. you judgemental prejudiced punk (the other way of being a punk)) and being completely silent and never talking. and they both dissed the girl, too.. and called them dull and losers... and one guy flipped out when he was dismissed and one guy asked to be dismissed, the rude fuck-off.. the girl called him on it and said he said that to make his dismisal come off better for him... so she dismissed him while totally telling him what he really was! yeah! and this guy also mooned this classy restaurant while they were there!

and he asked if she'd kiss him on the first day and she said maaybe.. and he said that he was like insulted he's never been turned down before! omg! I so wish I was there with him on the date.. he asked her if she still had her v card and apparantly that means virginity and i would have been like "dismissed!" right there and then to his face.. and he also said he cheated on every gf he had and he was like well when they're not around and i have the opportunity i go for it.. and like totally letting us and her know that he thinks nothing wrong of it and he plans to still cheat probably on every future gf! i would have yelled dismissed at him again!

Mood: Good?
Listening to: Nada
About to: Two days ago.

Posted by: Lucid-Dreamer
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