Jun. 19, 2002 - 12:41 p.m.

Well I should have written by yesterday. But I couldn't until I finished the site up until it was publishable. It's doing well now. I just need little extry things, photos and writing. I need to find a way to publish the last two without too much work. I don't want to make and upload thumbnails and I don't want to write the <br> for every line of my lyrics. Gah! (Diaryland inserts paragraph breaks and never line breaks! grr)

I should have written, tho, because I left that upset entry up.. but everything is okay with Radleigh and myself now. I just sort of cooled off. I know he has problems.. and what can he do besides admit he's a bastard. He says he doesn't want to deal with what ifs.. and he doesn't know where he'll be mentally if the time comes.

We didn't even talk about it.. I just wrote him "I miss you" after those e-mails at some point.

He came online and I IMd him.. we were talking before he even read the e-mails so he knew we were ok. He said "I don't know what to say"

So I said "So shut up." :P (Or something)

Mood: okay..
Listening to: The television. Jerry Springer but it's very quiet.
About to: Watch soaps and find ways to do the above easily.

Posted by: Lucid-Dreamer
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