Breathe in, breathe out..
Jun. 20, 2002 - 2:55 p.m.

I was already thinking the writers of Passions decided they hate their job so much they're trying to get the show off the air...

First Timmy is Dorothy with Julian as the Lion and they're going to see the Wizard in Munchkin Land. (Isn't that insulting to Timmy?)

Then Theresa goes insane and stabs Gwen and goes after Ethan.. ETHAN..!!

But today they actually broke out into song - musical style - dancing and all.. in the middle of Theresa being in labour... It ended with Theresa thinking that she's losing her mind.

It is the dumbassest show on TV!

I never thought it could stoop this low.

These writers want/need to get fired bad.

I think they pulled them out of the still-in-kindergarden-at-age-25 group.

Mood: Lalala
Listening to: Nothing
About to: Take my own survey! (Check how it works) and make a new quiz!

Posted by: Lucid-Dreamer
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