I'm back, baby
Aug. 04, 2002 - 6:04 p.m.

Well first I joined Tonos again to try to find composers to work with. But they butchered my mp3 so I wanna cancel the damn membership. I also tried to find Lisa but didn't. (I doubt she's paying.)

Then I was having computer problems. I uninstalled some programs then like everything made my comp crash.

We were going to bring my computer in to be fixed which would take at least 1.5 weeks. But I reinstalled windows. I didn't lose anything but tons of fonts and I can't use a few programs.. like Callwave.

I'm going to put this site on a small break and put up the next layout. I'm not feeling faerie beautie as much.. I want Lucid Dreamer now.

::Sigh:: I have so much to do.

And it just got so damn hot.

Radleigh's been on vacation. We've been e-mailing. That's all with him. Cept things are going well, hehe, he said that.

PS. With my new windows I realize my font wasn't common like I thought. But I can't log in to ftp. (The links)

Mood: good
Listening to: Faint sound of Boy Meets World on Disney
About to: Make the next Britney Brawl issue.

Posted by: Lucid-Dreamer
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