XP, Credit Cards & Hosting
Aug. 05, 2002 - 5:20 p.m.

So all my hosting is being canceled because charges are somehow being racked up on my card. I think it's fraudulent sites tricking me or something. But what could have charged $120.??

So all except for my yearly sites. Basically the host for this site and another one I haven't used yet.

This site is still up but I don't know for how long.

I'd just build my diary here but we can't have frames.. I'd have to rack my brain for a way to do it.. I want my info to be accessible next to my entries. I really just want frames.

Plus with my own hosting I get to change the name.

I'll take away the redirect and put up a temp layout on diaryland for now. I'll have a frame to my thought entries. (Those can be in frames because it doesn't have to have the entries for this site like every page on this one does. Diaryland sucks for just that one thing.)

And my counter isn't working. Maybe that site's down.

When I get my hosting back. Perfect time for a layout change.

And with my computer. I installed Windows XP. But it so sucks. And some programs don't work. And all my favorites are gone.. No more dollmaking sites... But the worst thing is Word is gone. I need word for my lists. So we're ordering a Windows ME CD. So that will take a few days to get here. So I need to put out an update for Britney Brawl. But so many people unsubscribe with updates. Don't ask me why. I only do cuz I want to unsubscribe anyway but I don't want to open it and have it load.. and the updates don't take long to load so I open them to unsubscribe.

But we're going down the cape for a few days anyway.

I hope I get back and then everything's fine. When I get back I'll probably have to put up the layout at diaryland. Actually I'll do that today since I can't do zines (no Word plus no ftp.)

I'm watching Even Stevens first. And where is my mom? She said she'd be home at 12. I need her to order the Windows ME.

Mood: blah.
Listening to: The news is loud.
About to: Watch Even Stevens

Posted by: Lucid-Dreamer
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