I'm neither ugly, nor a whore..
Aug. 13, 2002 - 11:00 p.m.

I've been getting some nasty comments in my guestbook. Basically it seems to be after I send in feedback to certain zines.. If you get me... It's really annoying, childish.. insert lots of words here. You're not fooling anyone.

Well .. It makes for some interesting reading at least. I was basically called an ugly whore.

Onto me.. I just got back from vacation. It was longer than I thought. I hadn't been able to do things that I planned. I still want to do the layout and I wrote more lyrics so I wanna put them up... I can do it after I get zine issues out. And right now I'm working on music, you gotta respect that.

Rad. has problems and he was depressed while I was gone.. I don't really think it's right to give away his problems.. or I just feel like keeping his own things private right now.. whatever he'd feel I don't know.

Poor baby. But he said he was "Very very happy" that I had a good time down the Cape. :)

OMG ... we saw a chubby skinndy dipper at the hotel! The funniest thing.. it's been too long to really describe it so you'd find it entertaining, too.. I'm sorry.

The really good diaries out there make me feel bad. I'm just writing for real here. Others are like so entertaining with the way they say things. I know I'm a good writer but this is my diary... ahh... I just don't think I can be all funny, clever, witty here.

The reinstalling windows has been causing lots of problems. Things are ok now.

I'm boring tonight. I'm tired.

Maybe I'll start writing little articles up on why Avril Lavigne sucks ass... That would be good.

Mood: Tired.
Listening to: Nothin'
About to: Make the .rm into mp3 or maybe just sleep..

Posted by: Lucid-Dreamer
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