Dirty Bitches
Aug. 17, 2002 - 3:01 p.m.

OK. There were funny things and I forgot and diaryland wouldn't let me log in to craziness. :

But for now I decided to write a bit after I see an episode of Elimidate about those dirty bitches.

They kept going on and on about how this woman had a flat chest and no breasts when she was like B maybe C cup. And the other one had implants, she admitted. But at one point she accused the "flat" one of getting them.. ?

(This pisses me off, I think of my boobs as big (B's). These people are so nastyassattentioncrazed they forget there's a real audience. (It's not just a man-porn show, or is it??)

And the meanest bitch on the show ever kept saying that she had no personality. Wtf she met her hours ago?!

This is a classic case of j.e.a.l.o.u.s.y if I've ever seen one.

She had an awesome body, btw.

Then at the end titty-teacher and diss-miss started tearing eachother's clothes off, shoving eachother and doing the woman-cat-fight-hand-slap.

Who'd he choose? bash-n-boobs cuz they both like children.


Yeah, right, it's always about sex. The quiet ones go first and the clean ladies never get picked.

Why do these people on the dating shows always make out like fame hungry whores?

In other news. I want to replace two domains (One is this) with one and ease things up.. But what??

And I'm like making music now I'm so determined. I whined to Rad to help me and said I'd pay him.

I think I made a better version of the mp3.. I'm still uploading it to check.

Things are good. Yup yup.

I finished my zine.. lol like 370 subscribers 1st issue. I feel relaxed. (Now like I have nothing to do now.. give me a break, tho...)

And Rad.. he started his job.. boring, I guess? Yeah. We barely talked.. stupid sleep. More tonight.. I'm gonna whine again.. lol jk.

I miss him. But of course. I think I love him more again, hehe.

OMG I was so sick last night! Finally I woke up early in the morning and realized I fell asleep and I was painfree! OMG that feels so good after feeling that sick... I went to sleep upside down to get more of the fan and I could cuddle more with Charlotte, too. I think that helped.

OK.. night night in this afternoon. (No, no nap.. I just like that goodbye.)

Mood: Relaxed. Fun. Good. Love. Cheese. LOL jk
Listening to: Hit me baby one more time from HBO (Britney mp3s..)
About to: Send my zine to sister potentials.

Posted by: Lucid-Dreamer
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