Songs I cannot sing.. ah, the *art * of songwriting..
Aug. 30, 2002 - 7:01 a.m.

"H to tha Izzo - V to tha izzay.. Shizzle my nizzle, fizzle, jizzle, mizzle, gizzay."

"And you fall, and you crawl, and you break, and you take, and you make, and you shake, and you rake and you bake-some cookies-and they taste-so yummy."

Why'd you have to go and make English so damn wasted?

Plus this;

"He was a skater boy
She said see-you-later, boy
You look like a gator boy
No way you're a mater, boy
Couldn't get a dater, boy
You have so much hater, boy
You are an ill fater, boy

Avril loves her rhyming. It makes her a *good* songwriter. ... Or is it.. wait, what are they called? ... The professional(?) songwriters working for her?

Nah. Couldn't be.

Mood: Ha
Listening to: Nope
About to: Read

Posted by: Lucid-Dreamer
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