Puss Face, Punk Fake
Aug. 30, 2002 - 5:48 a.m.

i think i'm boycotting every mtv event ever. best new artist. crapfuckmistress herself. i'm angry. i'm just watching for performances and britney and xtina anyway. she sucks... she does not suck ass... she sucks flea infested giant rat balls. In fact, I think she does it as a party trick and that's how she got votes.

sorry about that. that's like george bush winning president of the century.

Trust me I was fuming when I sent that to Rad.. luckily he signed on just then.

Seriously now.. xtina was amazing! Controvercial outfit and she looked soo cute in her bra and jean jacket outfit! So amazing with.. "Interesting.. Eminem." (When he won.)

And Eminem.. went too far.. with Moby (Moby Rawks.. Moby rawks those same rat balls right down Avril's throat.. oops! Are you choking? Haha.) he called him a girl and there was booing and he said stop booing, little girl. I will hit a man with glasses.. So then practically the whole crowd was booing him.. and I think it turned to cheers somehow.. for some reason..

Ahh but Xtina.. Xtina is my girl, she's my babe. I love her. :D

Now Britney. I did not like. She looked like a dominatrix.. It wasn't worth watching for her.. How come she has worn black all four years of this now? She should have performed, really.. gotten her out of that dress for a bit at least.. Even if it was Coed Remix (bring out my nastilicious boys!)

Xtina should have performed, too.. with her new song and the anticipation.. would've been awesome.. They played a little clip.. it sounds really cool.. And it's pop! Yay.. I thought it'd be all rock with some hip hop on that album.. I cannot wait! I want the song.. I can't wait for more xtina.. it will be cool.. and to see her new album pics.. and ever'thang.

Ooh! and Jimmy was the most amazing! The opening song he did.. UHHH!! Yeah! It was soo good.. he RAWkS! It was worth watching just that.. catch it on sometime.. and then you can turn it off if you like. :)

I wish they played the opening act again.. I missed that and actually the first half of the show (til the replay afterward) because I fell asleep all afternoon and evening. I had been really awake very early that morning.. Guh.. So now I've been up all night.. I've been doing random things.. Good things but I can't remember quite what of it all.

Mood: Pleasant
Listening to: Nothing
About to: Something else.. omg eat!

Posted by: Lucid-Dreamer
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